olopatadine (nasal) General General General
Pronunciation: o-lo-pa -ta-deen
Trade Name(s)
Ther. Class.
allergy, cold and cough remedies
Pharm. Class.
Indications Indications Indications
Seasonal allergic rhinitis.
Action Action Action
Antagonizes the effects of histamine at histamine1 receptor sites; does not bind to or inactivate histamine.
Therapeutic Effect(s):
Decreased symptoms of histamine excess including rhinorrhea, sneezing, and nasal itching.
Pharmacokinetics Pharmacokinetics Pharmacokinetics
Absorption: 57% absorbed from nasal mucosa.
Distribution: Unknown.
Metabolism and Excretion: Minimal metabolism; 70% eliminated in urine mostly as unchanged drug; 17% fecal elimination.
Half-life: 8–12 hr.
ROUTE ONSET PEAK DURATION Nasal rapid unknown 12 hr
Contraindication/Precautions Contraindication/Precautions Contraindication/Precautions
Contraindicated in:
Use Cautiously in:
OB: Safety not established in pregnancy;Lactation: Safety not established in breastfeeding;Pedi: Children <6 yr (safety and effectiveness not established); Geri: Dose cautiously in older adults; consider age-related ↓ in organ function and concurrent medications.Adverse Reactions/Side Effects Adverse Reactions/Side Effects Adverse Reactions/Side Effects
EENT: epistaxis, nasal perforation, nasal ulceration, pharyngolaryngeal pain, postnasal drip
GI: bitter taste
Neuro: drowsiness, headache
Resp: cough
* CAPITALS indicate life-threatening.Underline indicate most frequent.
Interactions Interactions Interactions
↑ CNS depression may occur with alcohol ; avoid concurrent use.
Route/Dosage Route/Dosage Route/Dosage
Intranasal (Adults and Children ≥ 12 yr) : 2 sprays in each nostril twice daily.
Intranasal (Children 6–11 yr) : 1 spray in each nostril twice daily.
Availability (generic available) Availability (generic available) Availability (generic available)
Nasal spray: 665 mcg/spray in 30.5-g bottle (provides 240 sprays)
In Combination with: mometasone (Ryaltris). See combination drugs .
Assessment Assessment Assessment
Assess for symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis (sneezing, runny nose, nasal itching) prior to and during therapy. Implementation Implementation Implementation
Administer 2 sprays per nostril twice daily. Patient/Family Teaching Patient/Family Teaching Patient/Family Teaching
Instruct patient to prime nasal spray by releasing 5 sprays or spraying until a fine mist appears before initial use. If unit has not been used within 7 days, reprime with 2 sprays. Advise patient to discard nasal device after 240 sprays (30 days) even if bottle is not completely empty; correct amount of medication cannot be assured after 240 sprays. May cause drowsiness. Advise patient to avoid driving or other activities that require alertness until response to medication is known. Instruct patient to avoid concurrent use of alcohol or other CNS depressants. Rep: Advise females of reproductive potential to notify health care professional if pregnancy is planned or suspected or if breastfeeding.Evaluation/Desired Outcomes Evaluation/Desired Outcomes Evaluation/Desired Outcomes
Relief of symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis (rhinorrhea, sneezing, nasal itching).
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