Administration of General Anesthesia - Transport
The anesthetist should accompany the patient from the OR to the postanesthesia care unit (PACU) or ICU. Monitoring of blood pressure, hemoglobin saturation, and electrocardiogram is continued during transport to an ICU but generally is not needed for transport of stable patients to the PACU. Supplemental oxygen should be available, and the patient's airway, ventilation, and overall condition should be continually observed. Placing the patient in the lateral position may help to prevent aspiration and upper airway obstruction. Medications and airway equipment should be available during transport if the patient is unstable or if transport is over a significant distance. Upon transfer of responsibility for patient care in the PACU or ICU, the anesthetist should provide a concise but thorough summary of the patient's past medical history, intraoperative course, postoperative condition, current therapy, and plans or concerns going forward.
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