Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
First Things First (assess & treat for the following)
- Definition
- Acute & persistent syndrome
- Bilateral radiographic infiltrates
- PaO2/FiO2 ratio <200 (PaO2 in mmHg, FiO2 expressed as a value between 0.21 & 1.0)
- For example, FiO2 0.6 and PaO2 90, P/F ratio is 90/0.6 = 150
- PaO2/FiO2 200-299 defined as acute lung injury (ALI)
- No evidence of elevated left atrial pressure: pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (PAOP) 18 if measured
- Treat hypoxemia
- Initial FiO2 of 1.0 to rapidly correct hypoxemia & gauge need for advanced ventilator strategies
- Rule out heart failure.
- Clinical circumstances help differentiate.
- Radiograph not discriminatory
- Pulmonary artery catheterization if diagnosis uncertain, but can be misleading
- “Flash” pulmonary edema with transient LV dysfunction may have normalized PAOP while infiltrates remain.
- Partially treated cardiogenic pulmonary edema may have PAOP trending downward.
- ARDS patients can have concomitant LV dysfunction (up to 20%) & elevated PAOP.
- Evaluate & treat for predisposing condition.
- Syndrome develops 4-48 hrs after inciting event.
- >60 identified causes
- “Primary” or “direct lung injury” if in setting of pulmonary cause, “secondary” or “indirect” if cause is extrapulmonary
- Consider sepsis first: most common cause.
- Pneumonia probably most common cause of ARDS acquired as an outpatient
- Gastric aspiration causes ARDS in approximately one third.
- Trauma to include fat embolism, lung contusion, pancreatitis, near drowning
- Transfusion-related ALI (TRALI) associated with massive transfusion but can be seen with single units; increased risk with multiple donors, female/multiparous donors.
- Pathophysiology
- Inflammatory injury to the alveoli, particularly vulnerable because lungs receive entire cardiac output & thus are exposed to vast amounts of inflammatory mediators
- Impaired gas exchange with V/Q mismatch & shunt causing hypoxemia; increased dead space requiring increased minute ventilation to maintain normal pCO2
- Decreased static & dynamic pulmonary compliance is a hallmark, but disease is anatomically inhomogeneous.
- Poorly aerated lung units are noncompliant.
- Disease worse in dependent regions
- Remaining normally functioning lung has normal compliance but small volume (concept of “baby lungs”).
- Pulmonary hypertension common
- Acute cor pulmonale rare
- Clinical course: 3 typical phases
- Exudative phase, with diffuse alveolar damage, severe hypoxemia, flooded alveoli
- Proliferative phase, with resolving edema, proliferation of type II pneumocytes & profibrotic migration into interstitium
- Oxygenation may improve, but patients remain ventilator-dependent & compliance remains low.
- Fibrotic phase, with diffuse fibrosis destroying normal architecture
- Not all patients develop fibrosis.
- Honeycomb & cyst formation
- Chronic pulmonary hypertension
History and Physical (assess for the following)
- History
- Time course of onset: chronicity excludes ARDS
- Symptoms of infection
- Drugs, to include drugs of abuse & over-the-counter
- Physical
- Respiratory distress, tachypnea, tachycardia, cyanosis, rales common
- Hypotension from septic shock
- In intubated patient, causative condition may be more difficult to ascertain.
- Search for signs of infection.
- Abdominal exam for pancreatitis, intra-abdominal infection
Diagnostic Tests
- CXR: diffuse fluffy bilateral infiltrates with air bronchograms
- ABG: increased A-a gradient, respiratory alkalosis early, progressing to respiratory acidosis if intubation delayed, metabolic acidosis if prolonged hypoxemia
- ECG to evaluate for myocardial infarction or ischemia
- CBC with differential
- Full chemistry panel to include liver enzymes & amylase
- Coagulation battery for evidence of DIC
- Blood cultures
- Urinalysis with culture
- CT of chest not needed, but if obtained demonstrates patchy alveolar abnormalities, worse in dependent regions
General Management Principles
- Determine the cause.
- If thorough evaluation does not determine a cause, consider bronchoscopy & lavage.
- Evaluate for overwhelming infection in appropriate clinical setting (aerobic bacteria, mycobacteria, respiratory viruses, atypical bacteria, Pneumocystis, Legionella).
- Lung biopsy can be safely performed but rarely yields a specific diagnosis. Can be useful in cases of pulmonary vasculitis, disseminated cancer or underlying chronic lung disease with superimposed ARDS.
- Aggressive supportive care
- Broad-spectrum antibiotics if sepsis suspected
- Early attention to nutrition
- Typical ICU care: VAP prevention, stress gastritis prophylaxis, deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis, prevention & early treatment of decubitus pressure ulcers
- Avoid volume overload, which will increase quantity of edema fluid.
- Pulmonary artery catheter may be useful.
- Diuresis may be beneficial.
- Furosemide with addition of albumin (25 g q 8 hrs) in hypoproteinemic patients may improve negative fluid balance and oxygenation index.
- FACTT trial demonstrated decreased ICU days and ventilator days with conservative fluid strategy (CVP maintained <4 mmHg or PAOP <8). No difference in mortality; increased creatinine seen in low CVP group but no increase in dialysis.
- Adequate oxygenation (oxy-hemoglobin saturation >90%), with nontoxic FiO2 (<0.5-0.6)
- Avoid further ventilator-associated lung injury by minimizing alveolar overdistention.
- Ideal level of plateau airway
- Clearly <35 cm H2O, possibly <20-25 cm H2O
- Ideal level of plateau airway
- Consider deep sedation & possible neuromuscular blockade to decrease oxygen consumption & enhance patient/ventilator synchrony.
- Apply PEEP in 2-3 cm H2O increments to obtain SaO2 >90% with FiO2 <0.6 & plateau pressure <35 cm H2O.
- PEEP raises peak & plateau airway pressures, with risk of alveolar overinflation.
- Increased intrathoracic pressure may diminish venous return.
- If TV 6 ml/kg and Pplat < 30, clinical outcomes similar whether low or high PEEP (ALVEOLI trial).
- “Best PEEP” can be estimated as that which demonstrates:
- Maximal oxygen delivery (DO2) if pulmonary artery catheter in place
- Highest static compliance: TV/(Pplat – PEEP) in ml/cm H2O
- Highest PaO2 without decreasing cardiac output or blood pressure
- Pressure of lower inflection point on static pressure-volume curve
- Conventional mechanical ventilation
- Volume-controlled (VC) or pressure-controlled (PC)
- No studies show improved outcome based on mode of ventilation.
- VC ventilation risks changes in airway pressures if compliance changes but guarantees set minute ventilation.
- PC ventilation risks changes in minute ventilation if compliance changes but guarantees preset airway pressures will not be exceeded, minimizing risk of barotrauma & alveolar overdistention.
- Tidal volume (TV) & respiratory rate (RR) should be set to meet ventilatory requirements.
- TV of 4-6 mL/kg currently recommended (ARDSnet, 1999)
- Titrate TV according to plateau airway pressure, with goal not to exceed 35 cmH2O.
- Titrate RR to allow adequate minute ventilation: normal PaCO2 or mild permissive hypercapnia.
- Inspiratory flow rate or inspiratory time should ideally be adjusted to maximize patient comfort & minimize air trapping.
- Typically flow rate 4x minute ventilation
- Flow pattern: decelerating wave form
- Sample starting ventilator settings
- VC
- Mode: Assist control (AC)
- TV: 6 mL/kg
- RR: 15 per min
- FiO2: 1.0
- PEEP: 5 cmH2O
- Decelerating waveform
- PC
- Mode: AC
- RR: 15 per min
- FiO2: 1.0
- PEEP: 5 cmH2O
- Peak inspiratory pressure: 20 cm H2O (PIP)
- Inspiratory time: 1 second or I:E ratio 1:3
- MORE IMPORTANT THAN INITIAL VENTILATOR SETTINGS is to observe clinical response to these settings & adjust ventilator accordingly.
- Patient/ventilator synchrony
- Oxyhemoglobin saturation
- Hemodynamic response
- ABG analysis
- VC
- Advanced ventilator strategies
- If patient remains hypoxic, requires FiO2 >0.5 or remains with unacceptably high plateau airway pressures with conventional methods above, other ventilatory strategies come into play:
- Permissive hypercapnia
- First diminish TV (in VC) or PIP (in PC) incrementally, allowing PaCO2 to rise gradually.
- Respiratory acidosis develops: minimally acceptable pH is variable, as low as 7.10-7.15 in absence of head injury or catecholamine resistance.
- Use of IV sodium bicarbonate to buffer pH not recommended
- Hypercapnia is generally well tolerated as long as oxygenation is ensured.
- Intracellular pH is maintained due to extensive intracellular buffering mechanisms.
- Usually requires deep sedation to overcome respiratory drive induced by hypercapnia
- CONTRAINDICATED in patients with increased ICP, hemodynamic instability, beta blockade (patients require catecholamine response to maintain hemodynamic stability in hypercapnia)
- Inverse ratio ventilation
- If oxygenation is inadequate or requires toxic levels of FiO2 to maintain, efforts can be directed at INCREASING MEAN AIRWAY PRESSURE.
- Prolonging inspiratory time can recruit more diseased lung units; when inspiratory time exceeds expiratory time, inverse ratio ventilation has been instituted.
- In VC modes, decreasing inspiratory flow rate or adding inspiratory pause will prolong inspiratory time.
- In PC modes, inspiratory time is directly set in seconds or adjusted as I:E ratio.
- Inverse ratio ventilation has not been shown to improve survival but does increase mean airway pressure, can decrease peak airway pressure, can decrease FiO2 & can raise SaO2 when other methods have failed.
- Complications of inverse ratio ventilation: requires deep sedation & neuromuscular blockade, may cause air trapping with consequent barotrauma & hemodynamic effects
- May be more prone to complications when inspiration prolonged beyond 2:1
- Other recruitment maneuvers
- CPAP at 40 cm x 40 sec can be used as a global recruitment measure.
- Recruitment maneuvers in addition to low TV strategy compared to low TV strategy alone: improved secondary hypoxia related endpoints (refractory hypoxemia, death from hypoxemia) and use of rescue therapies, but did not decrease mortality or barotraumas (“open lung strategy”)
- Other ventilator modalities shown to improve oxygenation while limiting ventilator toxicity have not been proven of benefit.
- Airway pressure release ventilation (APRV)
- High-frequency modes, to include jet ventilation (HFJV) & oscillation (HFO)
- Prone ventilation
- Intermittent prone positioning of the patient can improve oxygenation in patients with refractory hypoxemia.
- Patients who fail to respond to recruitment maneuvers or who require high levels of PEEP or FiO2 (>12 cm, >0.6) are candidates.
- No mortality benefit demonstrated
- Multiple mechanisms implicated
- Benefits to compliance can persist when patient is returned to supine position.
- >50% are “persistent responders” who maintain improved oxygenation for >1 hr after returning to supine position.
- >10 mmHg increase in PaO2 over the first 30 min predicts continued improvement over a 2-hr trial.
- Time limit & cycle length vary from 2 to 20 hrs.
- Specialty beds facilitate prone positioning, but can be done on regular hospital bed
- Contraindications to prone positioning
- Spine instability
- Hemodynamic instability
- Open abdomen
- Immediate postop period for thoracic & abdominal procedures
- Complications of prone positioning
- Hemodynamic instability
- Dysrhythmia
- Inadvertent extubation
- Hypoxemia
- Obstructed endotracheal tube
- Dislodgement of therapeutic devices
- Compression of chest tube drainage
- Ocular injury
- Novel therapeutic modalities: none of these has been shown to be of consistent benefit
- Inhaled vasodilators improve V/Q mismatch by preferentially vasodilating in areas that are receiving ventilation.
- Short half-lives equate to few systemic effects.
- Nitric oxide (NO) (doses 1.25-40 ppm) yields continuous sustained response, improving hypoxia & decreasing pulmonary hypertension.
- NO may produce toxic radicals more harmful than high concentrations of FiO2.
- Inhaled prostacyclin (PGI2) does not require sophisticated equipment to administer.
- Exogenous surfactant
- In largest human study, inhaled surfactant did not affect mortality, oxygen indices or length of hospital/ICU stay.
- Partial liquid ventilation (PLV) with perfluorocarbon uses a liquid capable of gas transport to fill alveolar space.
- Extracorporeal techniques require expertise; specialized centers report impressive survival rates in moribund patients.
- Extracorporeal CO2 removal may be useful to minimize ventilator-associated lung injury.
- Extracorporeal CO2 removal may be useful to minimize ventilator-associated lung injury.
- Inhaled vasodilators improve V/Q mismatch by preferentially vasodilating in areas that are receiving ventilation.
Specific Treatment
- Care for patients with ARDS is supportive.
- Treatment of underlying causative process is essential.
- Methylprednisolone should not be routinely used: early use improved vent-free days, pulmonary dynamics and oxygenation indices without increased infection, but did not improve mortality and did increase neuromuscular weakness. Use of corticosteroids 2 weeks after onset of ARDS may increase mortality.
Ongoing Assessment
- Daily thorough physical exam & lab studies to evaluate for multiple organ dysfunction & infection
- Daily CXR
- Observe for evidence of barotrauma.
- Note tube placement.
- ABGs as needed
- Daily screening for suitability for liberation from ventilator
- ARDS pts usually require more prolonged ventilatory support.
- Consider surgical or percutaneous tracheostomy if ventilator course appears likely to be prolonged.
- Nutritional assessment
- Major complications seen in ARDS relate to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome.
- Mechanical ventilation itself may predispose to development of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome.
- Mortality typically not primarily due to respiratory failure/ARDS itself
- Complications of positive-pressure ventilation
- Barotrauma & volutrauma to include pneumomediastinum, pneumothorax, pneumoperitoneum, subcutaneous emphysema
- Ventilator-associated pneumonia
- ARDS patients more likely to develop VAP than other ventilated patients
- Catheter-related bloodstream infection
- Deep venous thrombosis
- GI bleeding
- Malnutrition
- Decubitus pressure ulcers
- Gina Dorlac, MD
Last updated: April 16, 2010
"Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome." Pocket ICU Management,, Inc, 2010. Anesthesia Central,
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Pocket ICU Management., Inc; 2010. Accessed March 4, 2025.
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. (2010). In Pocket ICU Management., Inc.
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome [Internet]. In: Pocket ICU Management., Inc; 2010. [cited 2025 March 04]. Available from:
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T1 - Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
ID - 534160
Y1 - 2010/04/16/
BT - Pocket ICU Management
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DB - Anesthesia Central
DP - Unbound Medicine
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